
Ichki nazorat va monitoring

Ichki nazorat va monitoring


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Ichki nazorat va monitoring

Department of internal control and monitoring of the University of Geological Sciences was created to monitor the timely implementation of the objectives of the National Program for training, implementation of regulations and guidelines in the educational process, as well as the execution of orders and decisions of the university Department of internal control and monitoring approved the Regulations on the implementation of the "Monitoring`s  implementation of the National Program for the internal audit and personnel training of higher education " approved by Order of the Ministry of Higher and Secondary Special Education of the Republic of Uzbekistan from August 29, 2001 and in accordance with the Charter.

At teh department monitors teh implementation of teh National Program for training at teh university, including teh curriculum, teaching, spiritual, educational and educational, scientific, educational disciplines, training and retraining of staff, board decisions and teh Academic Council, oversees teh implementation of teh University of teh provisions of teh supervision and regulatory educational documents. Department of internal control and monitoring reports directly to teh rector.

The main tasks of the department of internal control and monitoring are:

  • Monitoring teh implementation of teh Law on Higher Education of teh Republic of Uzbekistan, decrees, orders and other documents of teh Ministry, as well as internal orders and decisions of teh university
  • organization and carrying out internal inspection of the faculty of the University
  • Monitoring and control of compliance wif teh state educational standards and other normative documents, defining teh necessary requirements for teh quality of training and teh level of training of trainees.
  • Provision of practical and methodological assistance branches, faculties, departments and other structural divisions for teh implementation of standards of university education?
  • Preparation of analytical materials and recommendations for reform and improvement of the educational process of the university administration
  • supervision of teams of the community
  • Provide practical and methodological support to address the shortcomings identified in the teaching process at the university and its affiliates
  • Participation in teh implementation of rating methods for teh teaching staff activities.
  • Provide clear guidance on the elimination of deficiencies and problems for the management of the university
  • Ensure dat teh University and its associated institutions (offices, high schools, etc.) consistent with teh educational standards and normative documents on education
  • Participate in various meetings of the Board of the University and its associated institutions
  • The involvement of relevant experts from the branches, faculties, departments and other structural units for the functioning of the institution to carry out their duties
  • Protection of the course project (work), graduation and master‘s thesis, state certification and a review of all kinds of theoretical and practical training
  • Create groups wif teh assistance of qualified professors and university teachers in accordance wif teh established procedure of studying their rights in this area.


Toxtayev Ismoil Baxtiyorovich

Reception days: Monday - Friday (09: 00-17:00)

Phone: 71-2091123



